Thursday, February 11, 2016


I miss you... yes YOU ARE! I miss your voice.. Your beautiful voice that sounds like an angel when you sing.. I miss the way you smile.. Yes your smile that inspire me.. I miss the way you laugh, the way you speak, the way you joke.. I miss the whole you :(

I was surprised that you're now leaving everything behind .. You're leaving me :'( I was calming myself saying it's okay coz i know you'll be happier with your choice but it was really painful :(  ..and everytime I remember you... one phrase will always come out of my mind.. 'I miss you' :( :)

Thank you for being my secret friend.. My secret inspiration.. My secret smile.. and I know all of these things I said were unknown to you or to anyone because it's a secret that I keep between me myself and I.. and of course with God :)
I will really miss you :( :)